Special Honors Criteria
All Conference Teams
The criteria for making the All Conference team is an athlete must be one of the top 20 point scorers (individual events only) or one of the top 4 placing divers at the WDA meet. If any team doesn't have representation by one of these two things, the highest point scorer from that team will be added onto the list but not replacing anyone else above them.
All State Teams
The North Dakota High School Swimming and Diving All State and Honorable Mention Teams were initially selected through a process that began with the start of the season and culminated with the nomination of athletes by their head coach. Nominations were based on the following criteria: Talent, Leadership, and Attitude displayed by the athlete throughout the course of the season. Coaches selected their two teams by ranking their twenty-four choices without voting for their own athletes. The selection was limited to swimmers and divers in grades 9-12. This process started in the 1982 season and continued through the 1995 season. It was in 1996 that the teams became performance-standard based.
Today, North Dakota All-State Swimming and Diving uses a formula (established 11/16/2013) of averaging the 2nd place finals time for the last 5 years to obtain the 1st Team standards and the 2nd Team standards are 102% of the 1st Team standards. The time/score must be achieved in one event during a meet for the given year to qualify. The meet must also be approved by the NDHSAA (no time trials, alumni meets, intrasquads, etc.). Only individual events are considered and grades 7-12 are eligible. The qualifying athlete must also be in good standing/eligible for competition at the conclusion of the state meet.
Senior Athlete of the Year
The North Dakota High School Coaches Association (NDHSCA) Powerade Senior Athlete of the Year award began in the 1995 season. The awarded is voted on by the coaches at the state meet. Athletes must meet the following criteria in order to be placed on the ballot.
Is a Senior in good academic standing and enrolled in an NDHSAA school.
Competes for a high school varsity team during the respective sport season
Displays exceptional skills in the respective sport during the athlete’s Senior season. If Senior nominees are close in comparison, the career stats may be taken into consideration for determining the recipient.
Displays exceptional sportsmanship during the Senior season.
Display leadership qualities and commendable citizenship during the Senior season.
Has not committed an NDHSAA Training Rule Violation after July 31 of the current school year.
Has not been suspended from the respective team or school after July 31 of the current school year.
Has not served a suspension from the respective athletic team or school after July 31 of the current school year.
Must have one event where an all-state standard was achieved or won their respective region's (WDA or EDC) Senior Athlete of the Year Award.